Saturday, August 30, 2014

#water Are you hydrated?

Are you hydrated? #water

Your body is about 70% water, the majority of your blood and every cell in your body is composed of water. Therefore, you need water to function properly.

By the time you experience the sensation of thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration.

Most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated to some degree – we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. 

Nearly all of our systems do not function as well without the proper water intake.

Simple TIPS with water consumption:

  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of water.
  • Carry a bottle everywhere with you as a reminder to keep drinking.
  • Eat raw fruits and vegetables – they are dense in water. 
  • You can get water from food, not just from beverages.
  • Drink water and other fluids until you urinate frequently and with light color.

Benefits of Drinking Water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. Your energy levels are also boosted!

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake, reduces hunger, raises your metabolism and has zero calories!

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination.

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains - Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel good!

10. Save Money! - Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than that high sugar drinks!

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